Autumn 1
Autumn 1 - Me, Myself and I
Communication and Language
The children will learn to:
- Begin to express their needs.
- Join in with the singing of familiar nursery songs.
- Talk through circle time activities, using a object to suggest when it is their turn while others are listening.
- Talk about themselves and their family using their name, familiar objects and photographs to encourage ‘talk’.
- Talk about the sounds that they can hear from everyday objects e.g. a door bell.
- Introduce our ‘Talking Dens’ and encourage children to ‘talk’ in them.
- Use feelings puppets for children to talk about different feelings e.g. happy, sad.
Personal Social and Emotional Development
The children will learn to:
- Feel happy and secure at Nursery.
- Separate from parent/carer with confidence.
- Become familiar with the Nursery routines.
- Manage own personal hygiene.
- Begin to make friends and interact with their peers and teachers in an appropriate way.
- Explore their new learning environments indoors and outdoors.
- Understand and complete their daily jobs, for example self-registering.
- Understand their class charter, rights and responsibilities for example taking turns, sharing, using kind hands and feet, listening to their teachers and friends, tidying up and looking after the classroom.
Physical Development
The children will learn to:
- Put on and take off coats/ aprons independently.
- Develop how they use one handed tools and equipment safely e.g. mark making tools, scissors.
- Use outdoor equipment to develop their gross and fine motor skills - throwing, catching, climbing, pouring, waving balancing and cycling skills e.g. use scooters bicycles, balls and rackets, flags and streamers, the Nursery climbing frame, sand and water tray toys.
The children will learn to:
- Recognise their Bumblebee, Butterfly or Ladybird name card during self-registration – name the first sound.
- Enjoy listening to stories and begin to talk about the pictures and what they can see.
- Use a variety of mark-making tools to do their ‘writing’ e.g. pencils, paint brushes.
- Answer key questions about the different stories.
The children will learn to:
- Sing number songs.
- Sorting and matching familiar objects.
- Begin to use number language when counting familiar objects.
- Recite numbers 0 to 5 and above.
- Recognise Numbers 0-5.
- Recognise and name 2D shapes e.g. square, triangle, circle and rectangle – begin to describe these shapes using mathematical language e.g. sides, curved edge.
- Building with 2D shapes.
Understanding the World
The children will learn to:
- Look at and talk about family pictures and of children from around the world.
- Explore ‘Myself’ topic boxes.
- Talk about similarities and differences in themselves and others.
- Explore how resources work in the Nursery - sensory area.
- Explore and use a variety of Computing equipment
Expressive Arts and Design
The children will learn to:
- Paint their self-portraits.
- Develop their imaginative skills in the home corner role play areas using familiar resources e.g. telephones, telephone directories, real food and dressing up clothes.
- Use instruments to make different sounds and begin to talk about them.
- Use a variety of materials to create their designs and explore the different textures of their models.
- Make face biscuits.
- Join in with the singing of familiar nursery songs.