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Uxendon Manor Primary School

Uxendon Manor Primary School

Marking Policy


At Uxendon Manor Primary School we believe Marking is a vital part of teaching and learning.  Our teachers will help children understand and make progress with their work, whether it is written or spoken. The teachers mark all work and encourage children to become better learners. They will try to help everyone take a sense of pride in their work and to continually identify the Targets for making improvements to all aspects of pupil work.

Teachers use praise and positive comments to help children with progress. At Uxendon we use a focused marking system, which provides children two positive comments highlighted in green, and one comment that offers the next steps that the pupil needs to take, highlighted in orange in the Literacy, Maths and Science books. In all other curriculum books we use ticks and comments to ensure that children have achieved the aims of the lesson.

As we value pupil voice at Uxendon Manor, all children are encouraged to Self-Assess their completed work at the end of each lesson using DeBono’s Hats. The hats allow children to stop and think about the work they have completed, as well as the learning that has occurred. This image shows you an example of how children question their learning using DeBono’s hats during the lesson and Self-Assessment: 
To help children present their work neatly and clearly to guarantee the are adequately showing their understanding of the lesson aims, Uxendon uses the following ‘Rules for Written Work’
.    All work should be dated at the top of the page
.    All titles should state the Aims of the lesson.
.    All pages must have a margin on the left hand side.
.    Pencils should be used for drawings and diagrams.
.    Always use neat lines or a rubber to indicate or remove an error in your work.
.    Always use a blue handwriting pen for writing tasks if permitted.
.    Pupils must not use tippex, pen-erasers or biro pens if permitted to use a pen.
.    All Maths work is to be completed with a pencil.
.    If work is poorly presented, a teacher may refuse to mark it until it has been redrafted.
.    If Homework is handed in late it will be marked at the teacher’s discretion. If Homework is continually handed in late or not completed (more than 3 times) a Homework letter will be sent to your parents or the class teacher will write a note in the homework diary or will contact parents for their support in this matter. At times children will miss a playtime or 'Golden Time' so that the Homework can be completed. 

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