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Uxendon Manor Primary School

Uxendon Manor Primary School




The ethos of Uxendon Manor School is to provide a caring, friendly and inclusive environment, where each child feels valued and where each child has the opportunity to realise his or her potential. Every child is entitled to benefit from a broad, balanced, imaginative and relevant curriculum, which includes the national curriculum. In these respects a child with SEND is no different from any other child. The school strictly adheres to the Local Authority’s admissions policy. It is the policy of the school to integrate children with disabilities into mainstream education wherever appropriate and within the constraints of the budget. There are no special units or facilities in the school.


At Uxendon Manor School we believe that all children have an equal right to a full and rounded education which will enable them to achieve their full potential. We use our best endeavours to secure special educational provision for pupils for whom this is required, that is ‘additional to and different from’ that provided within the differentiated curriculum to better respond to the four areas of need identified in the new Code of Practice (September 2014).


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