Physical Education
Overall School Vision - Every Child to be the best that they can be.
Values: We show respect, we make the right choices, we roll up our sleeves.
Our P.E. Vision
We believe that Physical Education is essential for children's development, well-being and health. At Uxendon Manor, we aim to provide a high-quality P.E. curriculum which encourages active participation and sporting excellence.
- To provide a broad, balanced and enriched Physical Education Curriculum which equips pupils with appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding - as set out in the National Curriculum.
- To provide various opportunities for pupils to participate in a wide range of sports whilst developing their love of sport and physical activities.
- Develop an awareness of the power of sport in every-day life.
- Explore and build on children’s leadership skills, friendships and social experiences by taking part in both competitive and non-competitive physical activities.
- To access an enriched curriculum which serves to engage, excite and inspire the children further.
- Develop the whole child by providing opportunities for children to excel outside of the classroom.
- Explore how physical activity can support with mental health.
- Champion inclusivity in sport.
- Understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
- To increase enjoyment and active participation in sport and encourage children to be proud of their sporting abilities.
- To provide opportunities for children to challenge themselves and grow as individuals and teammates.
- To foster meaningful cross-curricular links and enrichment opportunities that meet children’s needs and interests.
- Long term, medium term and weekly lesson plans linked to the National Curriculum. Ensuring complete coverage of the National Curriculum whilst providing opportunities for progression of key skills.
- Termly engaging topics that inspire and challenge children to explore and develop their abilities, which will be developed through weekly timetabled lessons (Ks1 – Ks2).
- Opportunities for children to look at a variety of successful sports personalities and explore their sporting journeys.
- Opportunities to learn, practise and refine skills before applying them in competitive and non-competitive sports events. Also, allowing the re-visitation of skills to support development and mastery.
- Exposure to key vocabulary and skills throughout the curriculum and support the use key terms with increasing confidence.
- Adapting lessons to meet the needs of the pupils. Additional resources can be used to support and/or challenge pupils.
- Opportunities for teachers to assess and reflect on progress of learning and progress at the end of a unit.
- Enrichment opportunities and extra-curricular learning experiences to engage and inspire learners.
- Teams 2 Transform – ensure vision and implementation of Physical Education is consistent throughout the school.
- Opportunities to use the school hall, playground and a range of high-quality equipment to support and enhance learning in weekly lessons.
- Regular monitoring and evaluation of the long term and medium term plan which will show that teachers are planning engaging weekly lessons (per half term) in line with the broad and balanced curriculum coverage.
- Formative and summative assessment opportunities within each unit.
- A provision of enrichment opportunities for all pupils.
- ‘Pupil Voice’ to show increased engagement and to reflect on knowledge/skills gained in different units.
- Feedback via surveys and discussions.
- Pupils to be equipped with a range of skills that will enable the children to become confident in participating and leading sport.
- A heightened profile of Physical Education throughout the school and the surrounding community.
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