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Uxendon Manor Primary School

Uxendon Manor Primary School

Summer 1

                                             Summer 1: Topic – Amazing People Who Help Us


Key Text:

Oliver's Fruit Salad 

Going to the Doctor

Patrolling Police Car

Fire Engine is Flashing 

Charlie the Firefighter

A day in the Life of a Vet


Communication and Language:


Children will learn to:


  • Listen to other people’s talk with interest and respond to questions in the story.
  • Learn new vocabulary and use wonder words supermarket, police, firefighters, doctors and vets etc.
  • Be able to talk about the things we might find in a supermarket.
  • Talk about the different things Oliver seen in  Grandpa garden each morning.
  • Be able to talk about the different people to help us in our community for example people who work in the supermarkets, police, fire fighters and vets etc.
  • Be able to talk about different fruits to make a fruit salad.
  • Express their opinions on tasting different fruit.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development:


Children will learn to:


  • Safely explore emotions beyond their normal range through role play in the supermarket.
  • Talk about their feelings in more elaborated ways: “I’m sad because...” or “I love it when...” 
  • Understand that we need different people in our community to help us and why.
  • Give their opinion on which fruits they like or dislike and why.
  • Play along side their friends taking turns in the supermarket being a cashier, shelf stacker or a customer.
  • Be confident to speak about their ideas when playing in the supermarket.

Physical Development:


Children will learn to:


  • Walk, run, jump and climb – and start to use the stairs independently.
  • Begin to use bikes and scooters independently.
  • Understand why it is important to keep safe when using the bikes and scooters.
  • Plant sunflower seeds in the garden using different tools.
  • Begin to learn the rules of cricket and how to use a bat and ball.




Children will learn to:


  • Enjoy sharing books about the different people who help us in our community.
  • Pay attention and responds to the pictures or the words.
  • Ask questions about the different people in our community who help us.
  • Develop their phonological awareness, so that they can spot and suggest rhymes, recognise words with the same initial.




Children will learn to:


  • Use money in the supermarket to buy different items.
  • Begin to recognise the different coins and notes we use when buying items in the supermarket.
  • Be able to name 3D shapes and to talk about them.
  •  Know that 3D shapes are solid shapes.
  • Be able to answer questions about different 3D shapes. What shape is this? How do you know it is a cube?
  • Talk about a shape e.g. it has a curve, it is round, it has 6 faces using some/lots of mathematical language.
  • Understand mathematical language such as big, bigger, biggest, small smaller and smallest.


Understand the World:


Children will learn to:


  • Answer key questions, what is a vet? What does a vet do to help us in our community.
  • Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants.
  • Show interest in different occupations and ask questions to find out more information.
  • Begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things.


Expressive Arts and Design:


Children will learn to:


  • Take part in simple pretend play, using an object to represent something else even though they are not similar.
  • Explore colour and colour-mixing.

  • Understand that by mixing two colours we can get a different colour.

  • Be able to act out a familiar story (Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
  • Sing and do the actions for songs like Coming Round the Mountain and Horse Neigh  in the weekly music sessions.
  • Use instruments (shakers, sticks and scarves) in time with the beat.
  • Use a range of materials and tools to create decorations for Eid-Ul-Fitr.





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