School Uniform
All children are expected to wear school uniform.
The school uniform is set out in the table below:
Boys | Girls |
Grey or black trousers White polo shirt or white shirt School sweatshirt (royal blue) Black ‘sensible’ school shoes Black/grey socks Royal blue tracksuit top ( NURSERY ONLY) Royal blue tracksuit bottoms (NURSERY ONLY) | Grey/black skirt, pinafore dress or trousers White school polo shirt or white blouse School sweatshirt (royal blue) Black ‘sensible’ school shoes Black, grey or white socks or tights Royal blue tracksuit top (NURSERY ONLY) Royal blue tracksuit bottoms (NURSERY ONLY) |
Spring/Summer Terms | Spring/Summer Terms |
Black or grey short trousers may be worn during the Summer Term. | A blue and white summer dress may be worn during the Summer Term. |
The nearest uniform supplier is Mayfair School Outfitters, Kingsbury Road, London, NW9 9DY
Telephone number : 020 8204 8117
If a child wears the Hijab, then it should be in one of the following colours: blue, white or black. All hair bands/hairclips/hair accessories should also be in blue, white, black, yellow or grey. Children may change into trainers for the lunchtime break, however strong, sensible, low heeled black shoes are expected to be worn at all other times. Old shirts/overalls are encouraged to cover up children’s clothing during art/craft lessons.
P.E. Kit
All the children should have a P.E. kit, this consists of royal blue shorts, a white tee shirt and plimsolls (trainers for outdoor sessions). Children may wear royal blue or navy blue jogging bottoms for P.E. if they wish. During cold weather children may wear a royal blue or navy blue sweatshirt.
Indoor P.E. Kit | Outdoor P.E. Kit |
Swimming Kit |
Pupils may wear more modest attire for swimming (leggings and a long sleeved tee shirt) if a note has been received by the parents. |
Jewellery & Personal Property
Jewellery such as rings, bracelets or necklaces should not be worn at school by children, unless it is for religious reasons. Children with pierced ears may wear small, smooth studs. Earrings or religious items must be removed or taped down for all P.E. lessons. Make up and nail polish should not be worn by children unless it is for performance purposes. Money, jewellery, toys and other personal belongings should not be brought to school and it should be made clear to children that we cannot be held responsible for them being lost or stolen.