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Uxendon Manor Primary School

Uxendon Manor Primary School

Spring 1

Spring 1 - Toys We Love 



Communication and Language


Key Text:

Just Like Jasper.

The Toy Shop.            


The children will learn to:


  • Use vocabulary focused on objects and people that are of particular importance to them. 
  • Use our 'talking dens' in their learning and play with their friends. 
  • Use talk and vocabulary that links to their learning experiences and the topic of toys e.g. what did Jasper buy in the toy shop? 
  • Answer questions about different toys and stories linked to the topic of toys. 
  • Talk about the similarities and differences with old and new toys.
  • Use talk to explain how to make toy biscuits. 
  • Speak to others about the feelings happy and sad and when they may feel these feelings. 
  • Talk about the celebration of Chinese New Year. 


Personal Social and Emotional Development:


Key Text:

Just Like Jasper.

The Toy Shop.


The children will learn to:


  • Extend play by responding to what others are saying (in our role play areas - toy shop, dolls house or baby clinic).
  • Demonstrate friendly behaviour, initiating conversations and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adults.
  • Ask friends and adults for help when needed in their play. 
  • Talk about their feelings (happy and sad) and why/what makes them feel that way. 
  • Wash their hands before carrying out a cooking activity.
  • Explain what is their favourite toy and why.



Physical Development:


The children will learn to:


  • Develop their ball skills - throwing, catching and kicking. 
  • Continue to develop their riding skills using bikes and scooters. 
  • Use and strengthen their fine motor muscles (moulding playdough, using tweezers).
  • Hold the scissors in the correct grip and make snips in paper and around objects.
  • Hold a paint brush using the correct grip to paint a picture (toys and picnic objects).
  •  Start to hold a pencil/pen in a comfortable grip (pincer then tripod grip) when mark making.
  • Make a model of a toy using different materials. 




Key Text:

Just Like Jasper.

The Toy Shop.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears.


The children will learn to:


  • Show awareness of rhyming words when singing or playing games. 
  • Clap the syllables in their name and other words linked to toys. 
  • Begin to hear and learn some initial sounds in words and words sharing the same initial sounds.  
  • Begin to orally blend sounds in words - for example c  a  t. 
  • Understand print has meaning and is read from left to right and top to bottom.
  • Begin to know what an author and an illustrator are. 
  • Begin to be aware of how stories are structured - beginning, middle and end.
  • Sequence a story (Goldilocks and the Three Bears).
  • Talk about and answer questions about stories and books linked to the topic of toys (setting, characters, main events). 
  • Mark make/draw pictures and talk about their marks (favourite toys, picnic items) 
  • Continue to write/ mark make their name on their work. 
  • Write/make a mothers day card. 




Key Text:

Goldilocks and the three Bears.


The children will learn to:


  • Master the names of the colours and talk about different objects that are different colours and why.
  • Learn and sing new number songs (1 toy, 2 toy). 
  • Start to subitise amounts up to 3 (fast recognition of how many objects there are without needing to count them). 
  • Continue to recite numbers in order from 0-5 then extend to 10.
  • Continue to recognise numbers 0-5 then extend to 10. 
  • Show amount of fingers to match number shown 0-5 then extend to 10. 
  • Continue to count objects giving 1 number name to each item (counting toys).
  • Understand the last number reached when counting is the total (cardinal principle).
  • use language to explain amounts - more and fewer.
  • Match a number 0-5 then extend to 10 with the correct quantity of objects (toys). 
  • Start to use and understand prepositions (on top, under, in front , next to ect) to explain where an object is. 
  • Continue to recognise, name and describe 2D shapes using mathmatical language - sides, corners, round, curved (drawing/making 2D shape pictures). 


Understanding the World: 


The children will learn to:


  • Relate and talk about own experiences with toys (role play areas, small world). 
  • Explore different types of toys and how they work (winding up, pushing, pulling).
  • Understand and talk about toys from the past and present.
  • Talk about their baby photographs and how they look the same of different. 
  • Investigate how to get trapped toys out of ice. 
  • Discover, explore and talk about different types of textures and materials. 
  • Understand and talk about the celebration of Chinese New Year. 


Expressive Arts and Design 


The children will learn to:


  • Draw/Paint and talk about their favourite toys and items to have at a teddy bears picnic. 
  • Use correct colours of objects in their paintings and begin to mix colours to make other colours. 
  • Make a sock toy puppet using different materials and tools. 
  • Use the resources in the role play areas - toy shop, baby clinic to develop their imaginative skills. 
  • Act out the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 
  • Make Gingerbread Men. 
  • Sing songs starting to change the pitch of their voice. 
  • Explore how to make different sounds using the instruments.
  • Begin to follow a beat using the claves. 
  • Move using scarves and ribbons to different beats of music. 
  • Explore movement and music related to the celebration of Chinese New Year. 



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