There are a variety of Interventions available to support children at Uxendon Manor. Some are academic in nature and support children in Phonics, Reading, Writing and Numeracy. Others focus on Social, Emotional and Mental needs and range from Social Skills and Talkabout groups to one to one Play Therapy.
The SENCO and the child’s class teacher will decide on the action needed to help the
child progress in the light of earlier assessments. This may include:
Different learning materials or specialist equipment.
Some group or individual support, which may involve small groups of children being withdrawn to work in a small group with a TA or another Wave 3 intervention.
Extra adult time to devise/administer the nature of the planned intervention and also to monitor its effectiveness.
Staff development and training to introduce more effective strategies.
After initial discussions with the SENCO, the child’s class teacher will be responsible for working with the child on a daily basis and ensuring delivery of any individualised programme in the classroom. Parents will continue to be consulted and kept informed of the action taken to help their child, and of the outcome of any action. Parents will be invited to meet regularly with the class teacher and SENCO.
The SENCO will support further assessment of the child where necessary, assisting in planning for their future needs in discussion with colleagues and parents.