Writing at Uxendon Manor Primary
Overall School Vision – Every child to be the best that they can be. Values: We show respect, we make the right choices, we roll up our sleeves |
Intent: Empowering all children to be competent and successful writers.
Phonics Scheme used in school: Bug Phonics and Rapid Phonics Pearsons validated by DFE |
Implementation: Enabling all children to become a competent writer |
- Whole school (Teachers and support staff) CPD to access resources and implement Quality first teaching
- Word of the day in each class and explicit teaching of vocabulary and language
- Teaching of specific and ambitious vocabulary and language across school
- Direct teaching of writing occurs daily for all children from letter formation to words to sentences and beyond in all classes throughout school
- Writing Curriculum workshops for Parents to support learning at home
- Book monitoring provides whole school overview and shows progress in writing
- Responsive marking ensures children receive specific individual feedback in writing
- Phonics interventions across school
- NTP programme 30 sessions for 63 children – gains of +3 to +9 points in writing
- Literacy interventions to narrow gaps (Family learning, REAL project, Talk boost, NTP rise up)
- Writing targets for all children
- Access to Literacy Planet for spellings across the school both for home and school
- Spag.com online resource for grammar both for home and school
- Soft start: Write Wednesday
- Whole school moderation of writing year group, cross-phase termly and end of key stage, borough and cross borough
- Pupil progress meetings half termly
- Additional support provided in year group
- Pupil voice
- Extended writing Y1 to Y6
- Downsizing during extended writing for years 2 to 6
- Writing across the curriculum
Impact: Making a lasting difference to children and families. |
Data: Sustained outcomes in Phonics in Early Years, Y1 and Y2 phonics checks and KS1 data Phonics | Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | Nationally | Year 1 | 89.5 | --- | --- | 85.7 | 76 | Year 2 | 96 | Nov 92 | Nov 89 | 94 | 92 |
and outcomes at end of KS1:
Year 2 Subject | Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: |
2022 | 2021 (3FE) | 2020 (3FE) | Nationally |
English writing | 73 | 13 GD | 70.5 | 73 | 58 |
RWM | 69 | 13 | 76.1 | 78 | 54 |
Key stage 2 outcomes:
Year 6 Subject | Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: |
2022 (4FE) | 2021 (3FE) | 2020 (2FE) | Nationally 2022 | Nationally 2019 |
GPAS | 91 | 52 GD | 83.1 | 88 | 72 | 78 |
English writing (TA) | 73.9 | 2 GD | 80.5 | 83 | 69 | 78 |
RWM | 68.4 | 2 GD | 78.2 | 82 | 59 | 65 |
Writing age related per year group 2021-2022
Year | % at Age-related |
R | 77% |
1 | 77.5% |
2 | 73.6% |
3 | 68.9% |
4 | 68.8% |
5 | 72.4% |
6 | 73.0% |
See also Early Writing in EYFS curriculum