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Uxendon Manor Primary School

Uxendon Manor Primary School


Welcome to our website!


Overall School Vision: 

Every child to be the best that they can be.


Our School Values:

We show respect,

we make the right choices,

we roll up our sleeves



I hope that you find our website interesting and informative whether you are a pupil, staff member (past or present), a parent, a governor or a visitor. It has been designed to keep you updated and give you as much information as possible without completely overloading you! We always welcome feedback so please leave a comment or send us an email!


I was born and brought up in Kenton and have been Headteacher of Uxendon Manor now for thirteen years. I love working at Uxendon Manor and have thoroughly enjoyed leading this warm and welcoming school.


We are fully committed to ensuring that every child reaches their potential. We have very high expectations of children and staff as we look to move the school forward. This includes promoting the highest standards of behaviour, excellent teaching and learning, up to date resources and the ‘old fashioned’ values of honesty, manners and respect. 


Our Parent Staff Association is always looking for new members. You are very welcome to join this group which looks at ways of fundraising to benefit the children at Uxendon Manor. There will also be a Parents’ Council which is starting soon. 

Uxendon Manor is a friendly, forward thinking school with a dynamic staff team where every child really does matter. I look forward to the continued support of the whole school community as we all aim to achieve our full potential.  We welcome feedback as we are always trying to improve. This can be done by dropping a note in the office or completing the parent view survey by clicking on this link: Together, we can make a real difference and help shape a positive and exciting future for the children at Uxendon Manor. 


Yours sincerely,




J. R. Parry


Visions and Values


Overall School Vision: 

Every child to be the best that they can be.


Our School Values:

We show respect,

we make the right choices,

we roll up our sleeves

Uxendon Manor is a thriving primary school where parents, pupils, staff, governors, the local authority and the local community work in partnership, achieve high standards and provide a high quality education for all pupils. We are a creative, inclusive and caring community in which each member is valued. Positive values and the rights of the whole community are central to all aspects of school life. All members are aware of their responsibilities and take these seriously, becoming 21st  Century rights respecting citizens. The spiritual, moral and cultural development of the child is at the core of our ethos.


We have high expectations of all learners and staff. There is a strong ‘children first’ culture. The diversity of the community is viewed positively by all staff and the school successfully builds upon the pupils’ home and previous educational experiences. A growth mindset is promoted and encouraged across the whole school – anything is possible with imagination!


The staff form a highly skilled and motivated team, who work collaboratively towards our shared vision. They have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Staff have a sensible work/life balance and experience a sense of job satisfaction and well-being. All staff assess pupils’ needs and achievements effectively, therefore work set always matches and meets the needs and abilities of all pupils. Staff provide a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum which enables pupils to fulfil their potential.


Learning takes place in a relaxed but focused atmosphere where children enjoy ‘having a go’ at a wide range of activities, they feel secure enough to take risks and embrace challenge. Pupils are able to develop their understanding of how to become better learners and they develop into resilient, resourceful and reflective learners. We help our pupils to become independent, enquiring and collaborative learners by offering a personalised, enriched curriculum which builds upon individual strengths and differing learning styles.


Excellence is an aspiration of all! Learning is fun! Everyone can achieve!


Excellence! Fun! Achievement!

Uxendon Manor Primary School's Values


We show respect.

We make the right choices.

We roll up our sleeves.


Uxendon Manor Song

Still image for this video

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