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Uxendon Manor Primary School

Uxendon Manor Primary School

Summer 1

              Food Glorious Food!


Communication and Language


The children will learn to:

  • Talk about events that have happened. 
  • Use talk to recreate roles and experiences.
  • Name different fruits and vegetables
  • Explain the difference and similarities between fruits and vegetables.
  • Use story language to retell the story of the Tiger who came to Tea.
  • Be able to answer how and why questions when responding to stories and events.


Personal Social and Emotional Development


The children will learn to:

  • Be confident to speak about their ideas.
  • Think about the ways they can solve a problem.
  • Be able to choose the resources they need and use them independently.
  • Be able to take other people's ideas into account when playing a game.
  • Become confident to try new activities.


Physical Development


The children will learn to:

  • Understand and talk about why it is important to eat healthy food.
  • Talk about which foods keep us healthy
  • Talk about what things keep them healthy such as keeping clean, washing, brushing teeth, sleeping and healthy minds.
  • Be able to travel in different directions such as crawling, hopping, etc.
  • Understand the need for safety both indoors and outdoors.
  • Be able to handle tools and equipment safely and with control




Key  texts:

The Tiger Who came to Tea, Ramila's Ramadan, cook books, menu cards for different restaurants.


The children will learn to:

  • Write about their Easter holiday experience using their phonic knowledge
  • Write a menu for a restaurant.
  • Be able to answer questions about what they have read.
  • Make a list of the food that the tiger ate in the story 'The Tiger who came to Tea'.
  • Write about how Muslims celebrate Eid-Ul-Fitr.




Key texts:

Which one doesn't belong, A dozen ducks lost and found, 20 big trucks in the middle of the street, 1 is a snail 10 is a Crab.


The children will learn to:

  • Build on numbers beyond 10 using a range of resources such as 10 frames, number shapes, towers of cubes, rekenreks etc.
  • Count various patterns beyond 10.
  • Complete jigsaws, tangram outlines and shape puzzles by using positional language to describe where the shapes are in relation to one another. 
  • Select shapes they need to replicate a given model in different orientations.


Understanding the World


The children will learn to:

  • Talk about the changes that occur as we grow older.
  • Talk about similarities and differences between fruits and vegetables.
  • Talk about some fruits and vegetables that are grown in different parts of the world.
  • Understand how living things and natural objects change and decay over time.
  • Learn about different ways that Muslims around the world celebrate Eid-Ul-Fitr.


Expressive Arts and Design


The children will learn to:

  • Recreate simple symmetrical patterns using different media.
  • Be able to role play familiar experiences
  • Use a range of materials to create props for role play at a resturant /cafe
  • Be able to act out a familiar story (The Tiger who came to Tea)
  • Sing and do the actions for songs like Allee Galloo, bell horses, Eena meena deeka in the weekly music sessions.
  • Use a range of materials and tools to create decorations for Eid-Ul-Fitr.






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