Reading at Uxendon Manor Primary
Overall School Vision – Every child to be the best that they can be. Values: We show respect, we make the right choices, we roll up our sleeves |
Intent: Empowering all children to be competent and successful readers.
Promoting 3 aspects in Reading: Reading for pleasure, learning skills for reading (encoding and comprehension) and reading to learn Links to speaking and listening, developing language and teaching of ambitious vocabulary Phonics Scheme used in school: Bug Phonics and Rapid Phonics Pearsons validated by DFE |
Implementation: Enabling all children to be a competent reader |
- Whole school (Teachers and support staff) CPD to access resources and implement Quality first teaching
- Online digital resources and ebooks and physical resources purchased for whole school
- Direct teaching of Reading occurs daily for children from Nursery to Year 2 with additional focused work for some children
- Early reading focusing on daily story telling, reading wide variety of books, poems, songs and emphasis on developing language and vocabulary
- Teachers, Parents and children have access to e-books (fiction, non-fiction and de-codeable) to consolidate and practise reading daily
- Phonics / reading Curriculum workshops for Parents to support learning at home
- Book trackers provide whole school overview and shows progress in reading
- Bench marking ensures children are reading books matched to their ability
- RATA embedded in all classes promoting comprehension, enjoyment and critical thinking of texts x1 per week
- Guided reading to target progress and narrow the gap in the classroom at least x1 per week
- Phonics interventions across school
- Literacy interventions to narrow gaps (Family learning, REAL project, Talk boost, NTP rise up 63 chn gains of between +3 to +9 points in reading)
- Reading for pleasure: World book day, daily reading of class texts, reading diaries, reading club x2 a week, school library and class book areas
- Word of the day in each class and explicit teaching of vocabulary and language
- Reading targets for all children
- Pupil voice, Buddy Reading, Book Fair, Library visits, WBD and author visits.
- Readathon based on research by the National Literacy Trust
- Literacy Planet for both home and school
- Word Mania – annual worldwide competition
- Individual and guided reading in Reception and Y1
- Daily reading of class book
Early reading: Emphasis on explicit teaching of vocabulary and immersion of language, peer to peer and peer to adult (back and forth interactions). Adults modelling and articulating thinking. Paraphrasing and extending language all the time indoors and outdoors. Developing enjoyment and engagement with reading and books through rhymes, story telling, reading stories, poems daily. Opportunities for reading and writing indoors and outdoors. Individual and guided reading throughout the year. Repeated readings of familiar and favourite books. |
Impact: Making a lasting difference to children and families
Data: Sustained outcomes in Phonics in Early Years, Y1 and Y2 phonics checks and KS1 data
and outcomes at end of KS1:
Year 2 Subject | Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: |
2022 | 2021 (3FE) | 2020 (3FE) | Nationally |
English reading | 81 | 21 GD | 79.5 | 78 | 67 |
RWM | 69 | 13 | 76.1 | 78 | 54 |
Key stage 2 outcomes:
Year 6 Subject | Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: |
2022 (4FE) | 2021 (3FE) | 2020 (2FE) | Nationally 2022 | Nationally 2019 |
English reading | 82 | 33 GD | 81.6 | 85 | 74 | 73 |
RWM | 68.4 | 2 GD | 78.2 | 82 | 59 | 65 |
Reading age related per year group Summer 2022
Year | % at Age-related |
R | 77% |
1 | 77.5% |
2 | 81.6% |
3 | 66.3% |
4 | 73.8% |
5 | 77.7% |
6 | 82.0% |