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Uxendon Manor Primary School

Uxendon Manor Primary School

Spring 2

Let's Grow

Communication and Language


Children will learn to:

  • Look at and talk about the life cycles of a human, plants and animals.
  • Use new words such as toddler, infant, teenager, froglet, tadpoles.
  • Sequence what happens first, then and next in a life cycle.
  • Role play and retell the stories using the appropriate book language.
  • Engage in different activities such as writing cards and talking about how Muslims and Christians celebrate Ramadan and Easter. 
  • Discuss the similarities and differences between how these festivals are celebrated.

Personal Social and Emotional Development


Children will learn to:

  • Talk and share with other children why exercises are so important and keep our body healthy.
  • To make a difference between healthy and not so healthy food.
  • All about healthy teeth.
  • Bed time routines as a part of healthy me.

Physical Development


Children will learn to:

  • Recognise that actions can be performed to music
  • Copy, repeat and perform some basic actions to music
  • Circle dancing
  • Perform to the count of 8
  • Remember and perform 4 actions



Key texts: Non-fiction books about life cycles of the animals, plants, Ramadan and Easter, A Seed in Need, Jim and the Beanstalk


Children will learn to:

  • Links sounds to letters
  • Recognise phase 3 tricky words
  • Write shopping list
  • Write a sentence hearing initial, middle and end sounds in words



Key Texts: Ten black dots, Mr Magnolia, Pattern Bugs


Children will learn to :

  • Represent, sort and order 9 and 10
  • Composition of 9 and 10
  • Compare numbers within 10
  • Build and match with 3D objects
  • Order numerals to 20
  • Add more and take away

Understanding the World


Children will learn to:

  • Talk about different stages of growing up (human, plant or animal) and explain their differences and similarities
  • Perform lots of experiments during Science week such as growing a bean plant, worms, egg in vinegar and flower colours

Expressive Art and Design


Children will learn to:

  • Develop own ideas and then decide which materials to use to express them
  • Use drawing to represent ideas and feelings.
  • Create a concertina book or drawing.
  • Explore the voice and percussion instruments
  • Explore musical concepts such as pitch, dynamic and tempo.
  • Improvise their own actions to a song/rhyme

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