Overall School Vision: Every child to be the best that they can be.
Values: We show respect, we make the right choices, we roll up our sleeves.
Our French Vision:
Learning other languages opens our pupils’ minds to other cultures. We want every child to develop the skills to communicate ideas and respond to others. We will inspire our children to be enthusiastic and passionate about French and they will leave us with the desire to pursue French at High school and beyond.
To cultivate a love of languages. Learning French enables children to learn about other cultures and to make links with their own. Speaking other languages develops communication skills in our native tongues too. We want every child to communicate ideas and respond to others through as many different avenues as possible. We will inspire our children to be enthusiastic and passionate about French and they will leave us with the desire to continue learning and exploring the world with the French knowledge and skills that were nurtured at Uxendon Manor.
- A programme of study that is well matched to the NC
- Clear progression in language skills from Year 3 to Year 6
- Weekly timetabled lessons for all pupils in KS2
- Interesting and appropriate topics which inspire and engage pupils delivered through: songs, rhymes, poetry, role play, stories, games, pupil presentations and interactive activities
- High quality resources that provoke curiosity and enhance learning
- Pupil target sheets to enable pupils to consider whether targets have been met and highlight their strengths and challenges in the learning process
- End of unit quizzes to assess knowledge, understanding, speaking and listening skills
- Opportunities for pupils to participate in extra- curricular French Club
- CPD for staff delivered by the French Team
- Monitoring of books/work
- Observations of teaching and learning
- Pupil voice
- Planning is linked to the National Curriculum
- There is progression between topics and opportunities for consolidation
- Pupils are engaged and enthusiastic in lessons
- Pupils make good progress in their acquisition of French from years 3 to 6.
- At the end of year 6, most pupils:
- Understand and use very basic expressions to satisfy concrete needs.
- Introduce themselves and ask others questions about personal details.
- Interact simply as long as the other person speaks slowly and clearly.
- Reach Point A1 beginner Common European Framework (CEF)
French Long Term Plan
'If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.'
Nelson Mandela
'One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.’
Frank Smith