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Uxendon Manor Primary School

Uxendon Manor Primary School

Family learning sessions

We are delighted to bring you family learning sessions open to all families in EYFS and Key Stage 1 around making Literacy and Maths learning fun at home. This has been very popular in the past with our children and families.


This will be in Spring 2 where families will receive free high quality books each week to keep at home. In school we will read the books together and then try out some activities related to the story. There will be some home tasks to try out as a family too before the next session. There are a series of 4 - 5 sessions where families can work together with the children in school time and then continue the activities at home.


Watch out for the dates for these sessions!

Fiction and Non-fiction books that we have worked with in previous family learning sessions

Family learning sessions 2023


The children and Parents had great fun in Session 1 of family learning. Have a look at our fabulous pom-pom animals which we made! We had spiders, penguins, whales, a shark, ladybirds and lions!


We read a story about different animals and took home activities that we can do at home such as writing different animal fact files and reading up facts about our favourite animals.


As you can see the Parents were just as busy as the children!


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